
Cameroon: ICRC distributes food to 200,000 internally displaced people

Clashes and violence in the northern and eastern regions of Cameroon have left millions in need of humanitarian assistance. An estimated 200,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) have been identified in the Adamawa, East, North and Far North regions.

In 2016, the ICRC continued to assist the conflict-inflicted people of Cameroon with food aid, improved access to water, and health facilities. Our teams also trained armed, security, prison and police forces on international humanitarian law and human rights law.

Highlights of our work in Cameroon in 2016.

171,900 people received food aid
7,700 detainees received basic foodstuff
61,000 people benefited from improved access to water in the Far North region
123 war wounded were taken care of with kits for the injured provided by the ICRC
1,400 members of the armed, security and prison police forces were made aware of the rules of IHL and HRL, as well as the ICRC's mandate
3,000 tracing requests were received, notably in refugee camps in the East and Far North


For more information, read the full update on our work in Cameroon.

Cameroon facts and figures for 2016

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