
ICRC in Azerbaijan: Overview of activities in 2017

In 2017, the ICRC continued to carry out a variety of activities in Azerbaijan, in relation to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. People living in exposed areas benefited from diverse range of projects aimed at humanitarian protection of civilians and supporting livelihoods of the most vulnerable.

The ICRC also continued collaborating with authorities to support clarification of fates of approximately 4,500 missing from conflict zones. We organized a series of events to promote international humanitarian law (IHL), and paid regular visits to detainees, including those held in relation to the ongoing conflict, to check their detention and treatment conditions and help them to maintain contact with their families.

Thousands of people benefited from various activities aimed at ensuring humanitarian protection, including the ICRC's neutral intermediary role to plant and harvest crop, and repair vital infrastructure objects. More than 1,700 people were briefed on safer behaviour measures. To help livelihoods of the most vulnerable, we implemented a series of projects which helped hundreds of households supplement their income. A number of front-line communities had improved access to clean water and reliable energy supply due to the upgrade and rehabilitation works carried out during 2017.

The ICRC also continued close cooperation with the Azerbaijan Red Crescent Society (AzRCS) to strengthen the National Society's capacity in various directions. A series of events were organized for the volunteers of the AzRCS to improve skills in first aid, emergency response, IHL and to help raise awareness.

Highlights of our works in Azerbaijan during 2017:

6,900 individuals benefited from the ICRC's neutral intermediary role facilitating civilians' safer access to exposed fields to plant, harvest and repair vital infrastructure objects.

4,336 individuals' access to water was restored or improved due to upgraded water supply infrastructure.

2,349 people received various inputs to improve their livelihoods.

1,746 individuals were briefed on safer behaviour measures to adopt in conflict situations.

1,443 individuals saw their family income increase or their living conditions improve with the help of cash transfer for microeconomic initiatives project, cash for work and unconditional cash grants.

1,163 relatives of missing people drew psychological support from commemoration events, peer-group sessions or individual home visits.

ICRC activities in Azerbaijan 2017

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