
Visa Pour l'Image: Call for entries for the 2024 Humanitarian Visa d’or Award

From 28 March to 9 June 2024, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is inviting all professional photojournalists to take part in its photojournalism contest, the ICRC Humanitarian Visa d’or award. For its 14th edition, the theme is: ‘Civilians, the primary victims of armed conflicts’.

This year marks the 75th anniversary of the adoption of the four Geneva Conventions of 1949, of which the 4th Convention is specifically dedicated to the protection of the civilian population. This Convention enshrines, in particular, the right of civilians to receive humanitarian assistance, the unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief and the protection of civilian hospitals. It also details the obligations towards civilians detained for security reasons, as well as those of occupying powers as regards the population.

Unfortunately, today's conflicts highlight the need for this Convention, which was born from the atrocities of the Second World War, to be better respected.

This award is part of the prestigious international photojournalism festival: Visa Pour l'Image, which is held every year in Perpignan (France). The winner will receive an award of 8,000 euros to help finance future photographic projects.


Through this prize, the ICRC has two objectives: to highlight the work that photojournalists do every day in the field, but also and above all, to raise awareness about the lack of respect for international humanitarian law around the world to a wide audience.

Last year, the jury rewarded the Columbian photographer Federico Rios Escobar for his strong work on migrants desperate attempts to cross the Darien gap, between Colombia and Panama.

Please see here to view the work of previous ICRC Humanitarian Visa d'or winners.