
Visa Pour l'Image: Call for participation for the 2023 Humanitarian Visa d’Or Award

From 16 March to 12 June 2023, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) is inviting all professional photojournalists to take part in its photojournalism contest, the ICRC Humanitarian Visa d’or award.

For its 13th edition, the theme is 'the tragedy of displaced populations, refugees or exiles in connection with an armed conflict, disaster (climate change for example) or migration'.

This award is part of the prestigious international photojournalism festival: Visa Pour l'Image, which is held every year in Perpignan (France). The winner will receive there the award: 8,000 euros to help finance future photographic projects.

To participate, please download the participation form of the 2023 ICRC Visa d'Or Award

Through this prize, the ICRC has two objectives: to highlight the work that photojournalists do every day in the field, but also and above all, to alert as many people as possible to the lack of respect for international humanitarian law around the world.

Last year, the jury rewarded the young Syrian photographer, Sameer-al-Doumy for his remarkable work on migrants trying to reach England from Calais in France.

Since 2011, the festival Visa Pour l'Image and the ICRC award a photojournalist with the Humanitarian Visa d'Or award.

The award's retrospective, from 2011 to 2022