Private philanthropists

Our partnerships with private philanthropists enable us to expand our reach and make a meaningful impact to protect, support and assist those affected by armed conflict and other crises around the world.

Together we can make a difference

We team up with philanthropists around the world to get essential aid to people caught up in armed conflict. Private philanthropists often bring a fresh perspective and entrepreneurial spirit to the partnership, promoting innovative solutions and driving action in the humanitarian sector. Philanthropic partnerships spark innovative solutions, new ways of working and opportunity on both sides to align our values and resources and ease the suffering of people in some of the most dangerous places and difficult situations on Earth.

Where does your money go?

of donations are used directly for the ICRC's work in the field.

The ICRC budget is financed entirely by voluntary contributions. Every donation is important to us, and we are grateful for each contribution we receive. Your generosity will help us alleviate the suffering of conflict victims worldwide and is a source of encouragement to the ICRC in Geneva and our delegates in the field.

Young girl holding ICRC kit