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7554 results found

Protected persons

International humanitarian law protects a wide range of people and objects during armed conflict. The Geneva Conventions and their Additional Protocols protect sick, wounded and shipwrecked people …

Law and policy topic
ICRC prisoner release and transport.

National implementation of IHL: Documentation

States party to international humanitarian law treaties must take certain legal and administrative measures to comply with the obligations they have undertaken. This section deals with various topics …

Law and policy topic

Gender and IHL

War affects women, men, girls and boys differently. Taking account of these differences when applying international human law will result in better protection for all. A gender perspective on …

Law and policy topic
A woman evacuated from the war zone awaits her husband's arrival in Trincomalee, Sri Lanka.

Use of emblems

The red cross, red crescent and red crystal emblems provide protection for military medical services and relief workers in armed conflicts. National Societies in each country also use the emblems for …

Law and policy topic
A ship used to transport relief aid from Cyprus to Lebanon in Larnaka harbour bears the red cross emblem.

Domestic law and IHL

For IHL treaties to be universally accepted, all states must adopt them through ratification or accession. States must then enact legislation and take practical measures in order for the rules to be …

Law and policy topic
Flags fly at the Mont-Blanc bridge in Geneva, marking the 30th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent.

Restoring Family Links – Families Belong Together

Family members can become separated or go missing as a result of conflict, disaster, along a migratory route or during other situations requiring a humanitarian response. We at the ICRC restore and …


A Memory of Solferino

This is the book that prompted the creation of what is now a worldwide movement with millions of members and made the name of Henry Dunant known everywhere. The account has moved many people and …


Autonomous weapons

Autonomous weapons are not a work of science fiction from a distant dystopian future. They are an immediate cause of humanitarian concern and demand an urgent, international political response. …

Law and policy topic
Northrop Grumman personnel conduct preoperational tests on a U.S. Navy X-47B Unmanned Combat Air System demonstrator aircraft.

Protected persons: Children

Under international humanitarian law, children affected by armed conflict are entitled to special respect and protection.  Highlight Children should be at school, not at war From our archives: …

Law and policy topic
Children play with a ball in Beledweyne, Rasmi camp.

Protected persons: Persons with disabilities

International humanitarian law (IHL) includes provisions to protect people with disabilities during times of armed conflict and other violence. Highlights ICRC preparing for major expansion of sports …

Law and policy topic
Man walking with boy with a prosthetic leg at rehabilitation center.

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Try one of the following resources:

ICRC library

Created in 1863, the ICRC library, alongside the ICRC archives, provides an indispensable documentary reference on the organization itself and international humanitarian law.

IHL treaties

International humanitarian law is based on a number of treaties, in particular the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and their Additional Protocols, and a series of other instruments.

Customary IHL

Customary international humanitarian law consists of rules that come from "a general practice accepted as law" and that exist independent of treaty law.