Events archive

Of all our past events

239 results found

IHL course for humanitarian practitioners and policy-makers in Geneva – 21-24 October 2019

Is this training for you? Are you working with an international or local organization dealing with humanitarian issues on a daily basis? Are you working in a situation of armed conflict and/or …

How is the climate crisis changing what we do? Voices from different sectors

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in partnership with the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre (RCCC) , and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) are hosting a public discussion …


Round table "Memory and War"

On September 19th the Moscow Humanitarium Center of the ICRC Regional Delegation for the Russian Federation, Belarus and Moldova will host a round table devoted to the theme "Memory and War". The …


Voices from the Field

Universally ratified, the Geneva Conventions represent a unique and global commitment by States to humanity. Respect thereof continues to play a crucial role today in ensuring the protection of …

Seven decades of protection: the Geneva Conventions through the test of time – Expert discussion

Adopted in 1949, a mere four years after the tremendous suffering of the Second World War, and at the beginning of the Cold War, the Geneva Conventions deepened the body of treaty law protecting …

Justice denied? Access to justice for victims of sexual violence

Sexual violence is recognised as a war crime in international law, but in reality few survivors ever see their attackers brought to justice. Weak rule of law, lack of legal recognition of the crime …


Do No Harm in the Digital Era

The past decade has seen a surge in the use of mobile telecommunications, messaging apps and social media. As they become more accessible around the world, these technologies are also being used by …

Kigali Marriott Hotel

1979-2019: 40 years' of the Physical Rehabilitation Programme

The stories behind the images The ICRC Physical Rehabilitation Programme is pleased to invite you to an event to mark the 40th anniversary of its activities towards persons with disabilities. Since …


Jakarta: Preparing Modern Armed Forces for Peacekeeping Operations in the 21st Century

The Indonesian Armed Forces (TNI) and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), are pleased to confirm that the International Conference on " Preparing Modern Armed Forces for Peacekeeping …

Borobudur Hotel, Jakarta


Eglantyne is one of the most influential women of the 20th century, yet one of the least known. I felt compelled to share Eglantyne's inspiring story by creating a piece of theatre. Eglantyne was …
